
Hello, my name is Summer Ludwig and I would like to welcome you to my health and fitness website.
The goal of OthFit (Over the hill fitness) is to help adults understand what will work it comes to their health. It is sad to say but the health and fitness industry is full of fad diets, bad science, and sham products that don’t work.
We know because we tried a lot of them. We have done the fad diets, the cleanses, bought the workout DVD’s, you name it. It never worked so we started doing more research and learning the science behind fitness.
After years and years of struggling we have finally found success but we wasted a lot of time, energy, and money in the mean time. I sincerely hope that I can spare you some of the pain that we endured.
Who We Are
My husband Bill and I run this site. I am the managing editor, primary writer, and social media manager. If you connect with us on social media most likely you will be talking to me. My husband handles some of the technical things and contributes some writing.
From time to time we may also feature guest bloggers that have something valuable to share with you. If that happens we will clearly attribute the writing and give links to their website.
Who we are not
We are not doctors, scientists, or experts of any kind. We are health and fitness enthusiasts who sincerely want to help share our own journey and knowledge.
How to Contact Us
The best and easiest way to contact us is through our social media channels. You can also email us at [email protected]. We love hearing from you so please feel free to reach out for any reason.