• Fitness,  Health

    My Favorite Health & Fitness Podcasts

    I listen to A LOT of podcasts. No really, I currently subscribe to 63 podcasts and I'll probably add more before the end of the week. There are so many great health can fitness podcasts out there. To be able to access them all, I installed Pocket Casts (I love it and highly recommend it) on December 20th, 2018. Since…

  • Fitness,  Health

    Foam Roller Buyers Guide

    A while ago I hurt my back and when I asked for treatment suggestions on Twitter both @Cynthia Thurlow and @LiftingSoulsFitness suggested foam rolling. Being new to foam rolling I started trying to research online. After several frustrating hours I decided that I needed to put together a good foam roller buyers guide.

  • Fitness,  Health

    Top 100 Health and Fitness Influencers for 2019

    Is this even a health and fitness blog if we don't publish a top list of influencers? I don't think so. I couldn't just give you another rehashed list with the same people that have been on every list ever. If that's what you're looking for there are enough of those out there already.

  • Fitness

    Cardio Workouts That Aren’t Running

    If you have been reading this blog for a while you will know that I like to dream about becoming a runner. There are only two problems; my left knee tendinitis, my shin splints and I don't enjoy running. Ok, three problems. I don't know if you can relate but I still need to keep my cardio workouts going when…

  • Fitness

    Best Yoga Channels For Beginners

    A lot of people are intimidated at the thought of learning yoga. I can totally relate because I was the same way a couple years ago. When you add in the anxiety of doing something new in a public class it is understandable why so many people never take up yoga. For this reason I wanted to share my favorite…

  • Fitness

    Running With Shin Splints

    Have you ever experienced shin splints while running? If you have then you know how painful and frustrating they are. Some people are lucky and only have some tightness and mild pain. Others, like me, have extreme pain that can make even walking nearly impossible.

  • Fitness

    Strength Training Tips For Women Over 40

    As my son loves to remind me, I am now in my “late-30s”. I am also a woman with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), diabetes, and some other health issues. Today I am going to share these strength training tips for women over 40. Through working with my doctors and tons of research, I found that strength training (in conjunction with…