• Personal Improvement

    2018 Christmas Book Wishlist

    Every year for Christmas our family makes a big deal about giving and receiving books. We are all big readers so to make it easier for everyone to know what to get each other we put together a Christmas book wishlist. Sometimes these are books we have been wanting to read. Other times they are beloved old books we want…

  • Personal Improvement

    5 Ways To Love The Body You Have

    There is a very strong connection between the body and the mind. We hear about it all of the time. There are books, articles, documentaries, entire disciplines devoted to teaching us about this connection and how to strengthen it. Although this is seemingly common knowledge, many of us still struggle with a basic building block of a strong body/mind connection.…

  • Personal Improvement

    9 Simple Steps to Reach Any Goal

    It’s appropriate right now, as we are launching OthFit.com, to write about how to start anything out the right way. Right now our goals are focused on making the website successful and helping people to find happiness through health and fitness. The 9 steps will work to help you reach any goal successfully.