Weekly Blog Roundup July 25, 2020
This last week has been a doozy in our house! I was tested for Covid Monday after being sick for about a week. I still don’t have the test results but I am feeling much better. Friday was the first day that I really felt like myself.
Our son got sick over the weekend and is still not feeling well, although he didn’t seem to get as sick as I did. It was sad because his birthday was Thursday and he turned 14! He’ll be starting high school in just a little over a week!
Bill, unfortunately, started getting sick Tuesday night and he got hit hard. He is definitely suffering the most and whatever this is has settled firmly in his lungs. He slept almost constantly from Tuesday night to early Friday afternoon. Hopefully, he’s starting to come out of it.
This week was also the start of monsoon season where we live in New Mexico and our garage flooded worse than it ever has leaving a giant mess to clean up and potentially ruining some brand new bookcases I hadn’t had time to assemble yet.
But, in good news, there was a ton of health and fitness goodness to be found across the internet and I’ve assembled some of the best for you. I really focused this week on trying to locate some new blogs and fresh voices so I hope you enjoy!
Workout Tips For Beginners: How To Prevent Wrist Pain and Build Grip Strength
The first article is from Brian Lazanik of Make a Better Body I was really interested in his piece because I have very weak wrists and even just doing rather low-intensity exercises like yoga leaves them achy. When I focus on strength training and weight lifting I have a very difficult time with grip strength and wrist pain.
Brian does an awesome job of discussing some common issues that can cause wrist pain and then gives great examples of exercises to do to improve wrist and grip strength focusing on proper position and form. I tried his suggestions for pushups (and used the modifications for my yoga planks) and they helped a lot.
I also really thought his explanations of the stretches and exercises to focus on prevention were very helpful. This is definitely a post I will bookmark and keep coming back to as I work on my practice.
Grilled Greek-Style Lemon Yogurt Chicken
This week’s recipe is one that I can not wait to try! I was going to grill Friday evening but monsoon season got in the way of my plans. Anyway, this recipe combines two of my favorite things, grilling and greek food.
I found an amazing food blog this week, Good Food Baddie by Capri Lilly. Everything on it is healthy and looks delectable. So what better way to jump into something new than by trying a recipe I know I’ll love? I hope that you will too!
20 Amazing Self-Care Ideas That Do Not Cost a Dime
I came across another wonderful blog this week, Mimi’s Tidbits, by Ayomipo Adelakun (Mimi) and found myself reading post after post. This one really stuck out to me. My closest friends recently encouraged me to try more self-care so this article seemed perfect.
Not only does Mimi have so many great ideas for ways to truly give to yourself, but they are things that we can all do without spending any money. In a time like the one we are in, when things are so chaotic and so many people are in financial distress, that is so important.
Mimi’s entire site is full of great ideas, she writes about wellness, goal setting, self-improvement, and has great money tips. Be sure to check out her site!
Is It Ok To Want To Lose Weight?
Whew, weight loss is a touchy subject and I totally get it. The #BodyPositivity movement is a big deal and #FatAcceptance is a change that’s been a long time coming and has implications that are far reaching.
It seems that health and fitness twitter and Reddit are filled with folks who are daily arguing back and forth about “diet culture”, “fat-shaming” vs “skinny shaming”, and honestly it can all be difficult to maneuver as a writer in the field. Especially as someone who did lose a significant amount of weight.
That’s why I was really glad to see this post by Cassey Ho from Blogilates. I really thought she did a great job of explaining her thoughts and I wholly agree with her. Weight loss is such a personal journey and is undertaken for so many reasons. Mine was almost 100% medical and necessary for me to be healthy and live due to my medical conditions.
We can accept and love our bodies and still strive to make them stronger and healthier, it all lies in how you do so and what your mindset is.
30 Minute HIIT Workout – No Repeats
This workout is from Lindsey Bomgren, CPT with Nourish Move Love. It is an intense workout that is perfect for those of us who like to keep moving. You don’t repeat any moves in this 3-circuit HIIT workout so everything is fresh and there is no boredom!
That’s our blog roundup for this week, I hope that you all found something that you loved and thank you so much for reading!