Interview With Ali Quinn

Alexandra Quinlann
Ali Quinn
Tell us a little bit about yourself and your blog.
My blog primarily focuses on beauty. I do reviews, tutorials, tips & tricks, skincare, haircare, and more featuring both drugstore and high-end products. I also have the Blogging Babes portal on my site that focuses on supporting others on their blogging journey with helpful guides and tips.
I was once described as eccentric, and I kind of liked that. I’m a little weird and extra lol. Also, caring. I have a big heart and I’m super empathetic.
I work out 5 times a week and I try my best to make healthier eating choices.
I don’t do diets. Never have. I’m the worlds pickiest eater so my diet, in general, has never been that great. Recently, I went dairy-free to help clear up my cystic acne and because I no longer eat dairy, I’ve started trying different foods and making healthier eating choices in general so that’s cool.
Just be yourself. I know, really cliche, but it’s true, and something that means so much to me. All my life I wanted to fit in and because of that, I’d pretend to be somebody I’m not. Now, I’m unapologetically myself, no matter where I am or who I’m talking to, and it feels so good and I feel so free.
I just constantly remind myself why I’m doing it. What I’m going to gain from it all.
Focusing! I tend to get bored easily and move on to the next task or thing too quickly, which leads to a chaotic process no matter what it is I’m doing. I still get the job done, but I’d love to be more organized and have better focus. It’s a work in progress!
Oh god, my phone? Sounds so ridiculous but there’s so much we can do with our phones! It’s what I use to keep in touch with the people who matter most to me. I use it to help run my blog. Totally an invaluable tool.
I think life, in general, inspires me. There’s just so much out there and so much going on and I love it, I want to experience it all. What’s out there is what inspires me to get up every day, and it’s what inspires me to work hard and love hard and everything else.
I’d love to take everything to the next level this year. I’m working on quitting my job to blog full time. I’ve got a few other big goals too, but I’m keeping those a secret for now!
Oh, so many different things. I’ll keep it short. I love playing around with makeup, geocaching, writing, reading, and spending time with the people I love. And adventures, which is basically anything. I’ll literally turn anything into an adventure!
Thanks For Reading
Thank you so much for your time. We really hope that you enjoyed learning a bit more about Ali. If you would like to follow her on social media her links are at the top of the page.
About Our Weekly Interview Series
Every Monday we will be presenting a short interview like this one. Even though OthFit is mostly a health and fitness blog there is so much more to life than losing weight and tracking our macros. We hope that by interviewing bloggers of all types we can help you to find wonderful blogs that you wouldn’t necessarily find on your own. The easiest way to keep up to date is to follow our weekly newsletter.
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